I’m proud to be a member of the country’s largest organisation of professional book sellers, the P.B.F.A. The association was established in 1974 to ‘bring books to the people’ and that’s exactly what we do at book fairs across the country. I’ll be posting more here soon about our 50th anniversary but first, here’s a snap of me bringing books to the people of The Worthing Antiques Collector’s Club. They also have a long history and meet every month to hear a talk on some aspect of the antique world. In November it was my turn and instead of just talking I brought along six boxes of old books, one per table, and this proved to be very popular indeed. Everyone had a great time going through them and seeing what they could find. There was plenty to discover: vellum-bound tomes from the 1600s, old books in new bindings, Victorian paperbacks, manuscripts, 20th century children’s books and much much more. They are just the sort of books one finds at a book fair in fact.
If you run a similar club then please do get in touch via the email link at the bottom of the page. I’ve still got the boxes of books…