Selling Your Old Books Is As Easy As ABC…
Well I was bound to say that – but it’s true! The books shops have gone but I’m always buying old books to sell at book fairs. I’m proud to be a member of the Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association, the country’s biggest trade association for professional book sellers. It’s your guarantee of a knowledgeable, professional service and the best possible price for your books. Here’s how it works…
Arrange a visit…
It’s free, and without obligation. I travel anywhere to see really good material but my buying is generally concentrated in the South, especially Kent, Sussex, London, Hampshire and Surrey. When you get in touch we’ll arrange a visit to suit you, and that can include weekends too.
Buying is what I do.
I have to. I sell at professional book fairs, all year round. I need stock, always. Collections of books, maps, and manuscripts are my main interest. However unlike a lot of book dealers I also buy plenty of other items on paper. This includes photographs and photograph albums, diaries and archives, fashion and music memorabilia, postcards and so on. If it’s on paper, give me a call – you never know!
Clearing is all free too!
Payment is instant with a cheque, cash or bank transfer. I’ll generally clear things away there and then; if this is not possible we’ll arrange a mutually convenient time. Remember: I’m bound by the PBFA’s guidelines of professionalism, honesty and integrity.
I’m also, at heart, a book collector. (That’s me reading a book in the picture; my daughter painted it for her art ‘A’ level.) I love books and am always delighted to hear from fellow book lovers. Over the years I have visited countless collectors in London, Surrey, Sussex, Kent and Hampshire. I have heard great stories and discovered many shared memories. Collections take time and effort to make and deserve to be treated with respect. Please get in touch if the time has come to disperse your collection or if you find you have items you no longer want.
I find that most of my calls are relatively local – London and the South – but in fact I travel to any part of the country for interesting collections. Please contact me by email here or on 07769 318895. Thank You!