This is a huge wall map with TWO cute-as-it-gets features. First, it has brass eye holes at the top corners so that it could be hung on the wall. ( You got ten in a box – I had one but I sold it.) Second, it’s got some chalk lines on it, boundaries drawn on by a teacher decades ago in a school room somewhere. Now, I could have rubbed them off to ‘clean it up and make it presentable’ but why? That faint record of a fleeting moment all those years ago is what I’m after. In time, will the copy with chalk on it be worth more than a clean one? Or to put it another way, would you rather have an annotated book, or an unmarked copy?
These maps are seriously under-valued at the moment.
For sale on ebay, and well worth having.
Bacon, c 1910. There are some great maps like this out there, including geology and astronomy.