The Daily Mail Cookery Book; or, Add Quip To Taste.

Oh dear. Look what’s on the menu today. Bile, with a soupçon of snide racism. A healthy dash of red-faced outrage to go with your hypocrisy; a double helping of standards, lashings of lashings…Mmmm. Give it all a good stir. Anorexia, bulimia, that other one. Superfoods, what I don’t get is that one minute it’s all right the next it’ll kill you. And doesn’t Nigella look marvellous now she’s lost weight / put on some weight / shown us her cleavage / remarried / gone green / exploded? Endless diet, nasty taste, statin miracle and oooh look! Fresh tarts with side-tit on the side, lovely! Drink? Now you’re talking. Go on then, one for the road can’t hurt. Bloody stupid law really. Cheers! See you tomorrow…

Associated Newspapers., 1919. First edition.