If you like old books, you’ll love book fairs. They are a superb opportunity to spend a few hours surrounded by beautiful books, meet fellow addicts and add wonderful material to your collection. I sell at fairs from the South Coast to York; in London at the Etc Fairs Bloomsbury Book Fair each month, their sister-fair the Book and Ephemera Fair each month and I also sell at PBFA Book Fairs.
At each fair I always have an interesting stock of Victorian publishers’ bindings and plenty of bibliomysteries. In addition to that I bring new general stock, manuscript material, maps, original art works and plenty more.

York PBFA Premier fair at 7.00 pm in the September sun.
The main PBFA page is here; it has a book fair section. Please note that these fairs are run by the PBFA and all the exhibitors are PBFA members. Larger PBFA fairs get their own website with exhibitor highlights, again it’s all on our website.
The Ephemera Society organise talks and exhibitios as well as the fairs, here is our website.